World of Julie writes:
"Ok, so here's something that I'm dying to know. Do you use a different bag every day? And, if so, do you transfer all your stuff? Do you have duplicate stuff? Do you have one of those purse organizer thingies, so you have like a bag within a bag?"
Excellent question (because all questions about me or purses are inherently excellent or at least a refreshing break from the questions I get at work).
I change purses every few days. Sometimes I go a week with one bag, sometimes I use two bags in one day. I used to use one bag a year mostly because the process of changing bags was so arduous and tedious to me (yes I AM that lazy). I have tried commercial organizers (Pursekeet, etc) but in the end I solved my problem with the use of little mini pouches. I currently have three in play. One from 1154 lill studio (a birthday gift from Anne) that has my pills, keys, misc. junk and sometimes my phone, one from Rebbecca Minkoff that houses my camera, and one from Hayden Harnett which houses my make-up, mirrors etc. My diary /planner also came with its own bag that I use to keep it safe.
So now changing purses is really just a matter of dumping my wallet, brush, phone and bags from one bag to another. This is made a lot easier by my penchant for large purses.
The only downside to this system is that I cannot use all the cute compartments that are part of many of my bags. Well I could use them but that would lead to me inevitably forgetting some important item when I make the switch.
Here's a shot of my bag contents today. The bag is by Alexander McQueen and will probably get its own post one day because it is a seriously gorgeous bag.
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