Monday, May 10, 2010

matilda v. the shirt part two (matilda scares innocent co-workers).

Long story short, in an attempt to correct my shirt problem I got stuck - resulting in the shirt being caught around my head and shoulders leaving my flabby scar filled torso exposed for the world (or more correctly the co-workers who walked in on my wardrobe correction attempt) to see. How do apologize to someone for exposing them to something like that? Cookies? Balloons? a card?


t. said...

OMG. this is hilarious because i've walked in on colleagues adjusting clothing in the washrooms as well...

say nothing. do nothing. it never happened.

moth said...

omg so funny. I'm sure they'll be fine but you know cookies never hurt.

Lauri said...

Ummm, ask to see theirs to make it an even playing field!!!lol

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