Monday, January 24, 2011

Wear It 1/24/2011

In addition to my resolution to wear what I already own, I have resolved to wear more color. Because 90% of my wardrobe is black, navy, or olive green - this will be a bit of challenge. Luckily I did go through a "scarf" period and have quite a few colorful scarves. I also found this sweater in my pile of "anticipatory" fashion finds and decided to wear it even though it is clearly still too small.

In other news, remember when I said I thought I could live with 10 pieces of clothing? No? Well clearly you need to work on your mind reading skills because I said it once in my head. Although I know I need fewer things, I do need more than one pair of jeans. It is currently negative one million degrees in the North East which means I need to wear pants or risk losing my legs to frostbite. Sadly, I have only one pair of jeans that fit right now. My other two pants consist of olive green cords that need to be washed and very light cotton pants.

This problem will remedy itself 10-15lbs from now but until then lets hope I don't spill anything!


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