Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom

Today would have been my mom's 81st birthday.  Although she is not here to read this (does anyone know if there is internet access in heaven) I decided to write a post about what a cool lady she was.  My mom was a free spirit who was far ahead of her time.  She worked in advertising in NYC but here passion was travel.  She had adventures - she was evacuated from Cuba after Castro took power, honeymooned in Afghanistan, and met Elvis Presley in Hollywood.  In the early 1960s she quit her job and traveled around the world by herself.  While she was traveling in India she met my father and ended up moving to Pakistan where he was working.  They got married and eventually returned to the United States and had me!  Although her life was a little less adventurous after she had children - she never lost her passion for travel and adventure and always encouraged us to be unique.  

Happy Birthday Mom.  I miss you.

Photos:  Clockwise from top left:  Mom and a baby me (you may recognize her necklace as one of my good luck charms); Mom on a boat looking glamorous; Mom at work -goofing off with her boss; Mom in the hospital in Pakistan enjoying a martini; Mom in India.


DaniBP said...

Your mother looks like a movie star! What a lovely post. And you were the cutest baby ever!

Anonymous said...

She sounds like not only an interesting person but an ideal mother who encouraged her children to be individuals.

You picked some terrific pictures. Thanks for sharing :)

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